Remember A Charity
Remember A Charity in Your Will Week is an annual awareness week, 11th-17th September, designed to encourage more people to take a moment to consider leaving a gift to charity when writing a Will.
2017 makes the eighth year of Remembering A Charity’s legacy giving week, during which charities, solicitors and Will-writers all come together to encourage the public to leave a gift to charity in their Will. This year the campaign’s focus is ‘Have Your Say on the World You Want to Pass On’, inspiring potential supporters to leave a legacy.
We are pleased to be supporters of the campaign and always mention to our clients the option of leaving a gift to charity. We often share information about charities on our blog and Facebook page. As part of the campaign, each day next week we will be shining a spotlight on some of the charities that you may wish to consider supporting.
To write or update your Will and #rememberacharity please contact us on 0121 693 2222.