Which Bear will you benefit… Donating Swear fees
Some documents need to be sworn on the Bible for example affidavits.
When you need to swear a document you will be asked to sign in your usual signature and then take the Bible and swear the document is true. If you are not of Christian faith you can ‘affirm’ instead of swearing on the Bible.
A solicitor who has prepared a document that needs to be sworn cannot administer the oath. This has to be done by someone independent.
We offer this service, by appointment.
The usual charge is £5 a document and £2 for each exhibit.
When individuals visit me for this service, I do not charge. Instead I ask for a charitable donation.
As a Patron of Edward’s Trust and St Mary’s Hospice and a volunteer fundraiser for Troop Aid, I put these charities forward to benefit.
Judy Dyke
Director & Solicitor
Find out more about Judy here.
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